Centered prompt
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Centering content without flexbox usually involves some hacks, like using absolute positioning and then offsetting the centered content with a 2D transform. With flexbox you just need to set 4 properties on the container element:
display: flex
which by now we know and love.flex-direction: column
rotates the main axis so that content is laid out vertically instead of horizontally.justify-content: center
groups the children as close as possible to one another, in the center of their container.align-items: center
centers the children along this axis, having a similar effect as settingtext-align: center
.centeredPrompt {
* Lay out the children of this container with
* flexbox.
display: flex;
* Rotate the main axis so that the children
* are laid out vertically, the same as in the
* above "Side bar" example.
flex-direction: column;
* Instead of pushing the children apart, as in
* previous examples, we will group them together
* in the center of their container.
justify-content: center;
* Align the children in the center, along
* the main axis. Because the direction is
* "column" this has a similar effect as setting
* text-align: center.
align-items: center;
min-height: 300px;
padding: 10px;
.centeredPrompt__item + .centeredPrompt__item {
margin-top: 5px;
.centeredPromptIcon {
font-size: 60px;
line-height: 0;
.centeredPromptLabel {
color: #86969C;
font-size: 30px;
font-weight: 700;
text-align: center;
.centeredPromptDetails {
color: #86969C;
font-size: 16px;
margin-bottom: 10px;
text-align: center;
.icon {
color: #BCD2DA;
<div class="centeredPrompt">
<div class="centeredPrompt__item centeredPromptIcon">
<div class="icon fa fa-smile-o"></div>
<div class="centeredPrompt__item centeredPromptLabel">Welcome to the app!</div>
<div class="centeredPrompt__item centeredPromptDetails">Thanks for signing up. Let’s take a look around.</div>
<div class="centeredPrompt__item button">Begin tour</div>
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